Can Chat GPT Replace Adrian’s Poetry?
One of the amusing uses of LLMs like Chat GPT is to write in another person’s style. This includes writing poetry.
Adrian has put his effort into drafting a Christmas tax poem. In considerably less time, ChatGPT drafted its own.
We will place these side by side for you to consider whether Adrian has a future career as a poet or whether you think he should spend his time doing billable work and leave the poetry to machines.
The Tax before Christmas – By Adrian Cartland
 It was the night before Christmas, when all through the firm, Not a worker was stirring, not even an intern;  
The filing was piled on the floor in a heap,  
For when my assistant returns in a couple of weeks,
The staff were all out on the town getting sloshed,
After the Christmas party; kindly paid for by the boss,  
In Outlook I browsed the junk e-mail cascade,  
While Windows installed yet another upgrade,
When into my inbox arrived an urgent matter,  Â
I opened it fast, and my keyboard it clattered,
I scrolled through the text as quick as a flash,  
My hopes for a break had suddenly been dashed,
What dastardly problem has created a show?
Caused by a bureaucracy sent from below,  
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
New legislation! At this time of year!  
I must restructure my client’s affairs super quick,
Or all profits the government surely will nick!  
I must read all these updates piled up like a wall,
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!
Doesn’t simplicity mean: legislate less?  
All these taxes, State and Federal,
They are such a mess,
Why not cut legislation, and make taxes flat.
Thousands of pages; we surely don’t need all of that,
And the bureaucracy makes all our jobs so much worse,
It should be easier to collect for the Government’s purse,
The stated response times to letters: a sham,  
And why call me then ask that I prove who I am! 
Perhaps we should gather the things that we need,
Buy a large bit of dirt, and then we secede,  
Form a government – one that has some sense in it,
(I’m not sure the current one is completely legit),  Â
But dreams are for youth, so I must slave away,
I have money to earn, and a mortgage to pay,  
I must sort through the mess that is put in my way,
(I’m sure you can see why I sometimes complain)  Â
I have much work to do, and I flinch as I hear
What must happen before end of Financial Year,
So I wish you the best for this Festive Season,  
Perhaps next year all changes will have a coherent reason, I wish that you and your family are well,  Â
Have a good time with them, escape work for a spell It is family and friends, that now we must cheer, Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good year!  Â
The Tax Before Christmas – By Chat GPT
‘Twas the season of joy, but not without care, 
For the Taxman arrived with his usual glare. Â
The stockings were hung by the chimney with hope, 
But there’s paperwork due, and the deadlines elope. Â
The tree stood adorned with baubles and light, 
Yet the forms and the fees gave a less festive sight. 
We’d hoped for a bonus, a gift or two more, 
But instead came a letter that made us feel poor. Â
The children, all eager for presents and cheer, 
Couldn’t grasp why their parents had worry and fear. 
While carols rang out, the numbers rang loud, 
As taxes and totals grew ever more proud. Â
“Not yet!” we had begged, “Give us just a reprieve!” 
But the taxman is swift, and won’t let us deceive. 
He marches right in with his calculated stare, 
And asks for what’s due, though the season’s so rare. Â
So we gather the papers, our wallets held tight, 
And hope that the figures come out just right. 
For Christmas is more than the presents we crave, 
It’s the peace that we find when the taxes behave. Â
With the Tax now behind us, the joy can resume, 
The tree sparkles brighter, the house fills with bloom. 
We’ll toast to the season, and let out a sigh, 
For the Taxman is gone, and we’ve made it through, why? Â
Because Christmas is more than what we owe or pay, 
It’s the love we share, on this magical day. 
So here’s to the holidays, despite the slight tax, 
May the joy of the season always bring us backÂ
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