ATO Debt Recovery – Part 2 – Estimate Notices

ATO Debt Recovery – Part 2 – Estimate Notices

ESTIMATE NOTICES Background: An Estimate is a formal notice that the ATO can issue under section 268-15 of Schedule 1 of the Taxation Administration Act 1953 (‘The Act’): The ATO can issue an Estimate Notice if it believes that a business has overdue: PAYG withholding...
ATO Debt Recovery Part 1 – Director Penalty Notices (“DPN”)

ATO Debt Recovery Part 1 – Director Penalty Notices (“DPN”)

Director Penalty Notices (“DPN”) A company is a useful structure to achieve asset protection, protecting the assets of those who are ultimately controlling the activities of the company (the directors) and benefitting from the income producing activities of the...
Should  Code be Property?

Should Code be Property?

Computer code underpins the technology in our modern environment.  It is often a form of property, being the copyright of the authors.  But besides from that, could code become its own form of separate property? Digital Assets If you write a computer program, as the...
Karate Strategy in Legal Negotiation: Part 1

Karate Strategy in Legal Negotiation: Part 1

Karate Strategy in Legal Negotiation: Part 1 I love fighting. Nothing brings you more in the moment than the threat of someone trying to punch you in the head. It’s one thing to punch and kick a bag. But the best fun comes with interacting with another human. To...
Karate Strategy in Legal Negotiation: Part 2

Karate Strategy in Legal Negotiation: Part 2

Karate Strategy in Legal Negotiation: Part 2 Never feint You should never feint. Yes, people talk about throwing feints all the time, but a good fighter never really throws a feint. Feint is a technique that is not intended to hit. The difficulty with this is that...
Why We Should Abolish The Income – Capital Distinction

Why We Should Abolish The Income – Capital Distinction

Why We Should Abolish The Income – Capital Distinction Much of the present tax system was designed in an era of physical industry and service and is not well suited to the modern intellectual property-based environment. The past 20 years of “tax reform” has mostly...