AI Hallucinated Citations Have Been Used In a UK Tax Case

AI Hallucinated Citations Have Been Used In a UK Tax Case

AI hallucinated citations have been used in a UK tax case. The headnotes promise a wild ride “appellant relied on case law which could not be found on any legal website – whether cases generated by artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT – yes, case law invented...
ChatGPT For Lawyers

ChatGPT For Lawyers

ChatGPT For Lawyers “The first thing we do, lets [replace] all the lawyers”Another day, another prediction that Artificial Intelligence (“AI”), is going to replace lawyers. As a lawyer who has been building AI for nearly 10 years it seems proper comment. In summary,...
Can ChatGPT Replace Lawyers

Can ChatGPT Replace Lawyers

ChatGPT is the talk of Twitter and the legal tech sphere. Everyone is posting the interesting conversations that they have had, followed shortly by predictions of how ChatGPT will replace this and that task. There are apparently hundreds of people in legal tech using...
Can Machines Have Ura And Omote Understanding?

Can Machines Have Ura And Omote Understanding?

Can Machines Have Ura And Omote Understanding? In Japan, there is twin concepts of Ura and Omote. Most commonly, it is used in a societal sense to describe the private or hidden aspect of a person (Ura) and their public persona (Omote). For a highly conformist and...