Why Law School is Backwards

Why Law School is Backwards

Why Law School is Backwards Law students learn a set of core subjects, some electives, and then once they have finished their degree will do some practical legal training and be required to have some sort of experience in a firm before they are able to become admitted...
Stop Robot Slavery

Stop Robot Slavery

Stop Robot Slavery I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt that said, “Stop Animal Slavery.” I thought of the cruel and inhumane conditions that my two golden retrievers are forced to endure (by their own accounts): never enough food, insufficient pats, and hard work each day...
What I Learned from Owning an Ediphone

What I Learned from Owning an Ediphone

What I Learned from Owning an Ediphone As much as I like new technology, I have a quaint interest in old technology. A few years ago, I began purchasing vintage office equipment. From antique shops and swap meets, I acquired typewriters and candlestick phones. But one...
Why Lawyers Should Wear Suits

Why Lawyers Should Wear Suits

Why Lawyers Should Wear Suits A few years ago, the start-up culture began infusing into the legal profession. Trendy offices began appearing with bean bags, ping pong tables, and silly job descriptions like “Chief Happiness Wizard.” I do think that there are many...
To Support Innovation We Need To Accept Government Failure

To Support Innovation We Need To Accept Government Failure

To Support Innovation We Need To Accept Government Failure The most insightful idea that I have heard on how best to support and encourage new companies to create innovative products is this: companies don’t need a grant or advice. They need a customer. Therefore, the...