Can Machines Have Ura And Omote Understanding? In Japan, there is twin concepts of Ura and Omote. Most commonly, it is used in a societal sense to describe the private or hidden aspect of a person (Ura) and their public persona (Omote). For a highly conformist and...
Why We Need Fewer “Experts” An interesting view that I have seen appear across many differing topics in the past few years is that only experts should opine on any given area. This has been used across the political spectrum: only economists should opine on the...
Prediction: Sustaining, Disruptive and Revolutionary Innovation As COVID forces disruption upon the world there is an opportunity for extensive positive change including in the law. Courts that have resisted online document submission and video conferencing have...
As COVID forces disruption upon the world there is an opportunity for extensive positive change including in the law. Courts that have resisted online document submission and video conferencing have adopted them virtually overnight. Firms that could not get away from...
Last week I was reading Yet Another End of Billable-hour Story “YAE-BS” and decided the time is ripe for change in the legal industry: we need to see the end of YAE-BS. I have been reading YAE-BS tirades for 15 years. They are trotted out by people who want to show...
Fair Work Australia has just ruled that law clerks must be paid overtime when they are working above full time. Some commentators have decried the end of...