Why We Need Fewer “Experts”

Why We Need Fewer “Experts”

Why We Need Fewer “Experts” An interesting view that I have seen appear across many differing topics in the past few years is that only experts should opine on any given area. This has been used across the political spectrum: only economists should opine on the...
Why the Partnership Model is Broken

Why the Partnership Model is Broken

Why The Partnership Model Is Broken Only one person I can think of from my graduating class of 2005 is a Partner at a law firm. Of course, there might be more that I haven’t kept in touch with, but it is an interesting anecdote. A number of them became Partners at a...
Why the ‘Vibe’ of the Constitution Won’t Help You.

Why the ‘Vibe’ of the Constitution Won’t Help You.

Why the ‘Vibe’ of the Constitution Won’t Help You. – Adrian Cartland This week, Australia faces a rash of individuals fighting for the “freedoms” using internet lawyering. In our first article this week, Adrian covers why internet...
Prediction: Sustaining, Disruptive and Revolutionary Innovation

Prediction: Sustaining, Disruptive and Revolutionary Innovation

Prediction: Sustaining, Disruptive and Revolutionary Innovation As COVID forces disruption upon the world there is an opportunity for extensive positive change including in the law. Courts that have resisted online document submission and video conferencing have...
Prediction: Sustaining, Disruptive and Revolutionary Innovation

Prediction: Sustaining, Disruptive and Revolutionary Innovation

As COVID forces disruption upon the world there is an opportunity for extensive positive change including in the law. Courts that have resisted online document submission and video conferencing have adopted them virtually overnight. Firms that could not get away from...
COVID, Rent, Sharing Losses and Systemic Risk

COVID, Rent, Sharing Losses and Systemic Risk

Our contracts and the law surrounding them do not account for systemic risk. I believe that the common law has done a good job of balancing risks between parties (or rather a not-terrible job: it is difficult to determine whether law is truly good, merely whether...