It appears that there is property all around cryptocurrencies, just not in the places decided in Blockchain Tech. There is property that is copyright in the software Bitcoin Core, which is owned by the developers. There is copyright in the ledger entries, which is owned by those that cause the ledger entries to be made. And there is a chose in action that is the contract between crypto exchange and the customer.
None of these things were considered in Blockchain Tech, nor was the status of Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador. Instead the analysis of what constitutes property was an attempt to create property in places where there clearly is none, in disregard to other areas of well established law. Considering this case has been useful from the prospective of analysing property in software.
Please see below link to case materials which is assumed reading in order to participate in the discussion:
Re Blockchain Tech Pty Ltd [2024] VSC 690
Division 4A – COPYRIGHT ACT 1968
Discussion led by Adrian Cartland.