Failed Asset Protection

Failed Asset Protection

Notwithstanding that a promissory note is a relatively simple instrument, it may be drawn incorrectly. Examples of this are Re Permewan [26] and Turner v O’Bryan-Turner, [27] both of which involved a “gift and loan back” scheme. A further analysis of these cases is...
Related Party Dealings and R&D Payments

Related Party Dealings and R&D Payments

Related party dealings and R&D Payments The necessity for a payment extends to many areas of tax law. One example is the ability to claim R&D expenditure paid to associates. The relevant provision for R&D expenditure is s 355-205 of the Income Tax...
The new online world of our clients

The new online world of our clients

Abstract:This video covers: Where are online transactions completed? Broad consideration of residency in the corporate and noncorporate context How to effect payments Signing documents online....
AI Hallucinated Citations Have Been Used In a UK Tax Case

AI Hallucinated Citations Have Been Used In a UK Tax Case

AI hallucinated citations have been used in a UK tax case. The headnotes promise a wild ride “appellant relied on case law which could not be found on any legal website – whether cases generated by artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT – yes, case law invented...