Wai Pin Law
Law Clerk

Wai Pin’s Specialties
Wai Pin joined Cartland Law as a law clerk in September 2022. He is currently assisting Joseph and Llewellyn with preparing legal documents and conducting research in relation to trust and taxation law.Â
Before joining Cartland Law, Wai Pin worked as a law clerk then law graduate in a small sized law firm in Adelaide for 9 months. Wai Pin finished his Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice with University of Adelaide in February 2022 and admitted to the Supreme Court of South Australia in March 2022.
Wai Pin Law’s Articles
Tax Training – 15/3/24 – Dr Campbell Rankine: Continuing Adamson v Hayes And Starting On Archibald Howie v Commissioner of Stamp Duties
8/3/24 Dr Campbell Rankine: Continuing Adamson v Hayes on the writing requirement for transfers of interests in land under a trust, then Archibald Howie on transfer of shares, Stamp Duty and what constitutes property. Then starting Archibald Howie Pty Ltd v...

The new online world of our clients
Abstract:This video covers: Where are online transactions completed? Broad consideration of residency in the corporate and noncorporate context How to effect payments Signing documents online....
Proposed Upcoming Tax Training Cases
For the past 12 months we have been on a thematic arc considering the meaning of "apply" in relation to trust income and capital. This has centred around Fischer v Nemeske Pty Ltd [2016] HCA 11 and the cases leading up to it. Prior to that the arc was on the nature of...
Contact us
0428 053 647
PO Box 6433, Halifax Street, SA 5000
Level 12, 431 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000