Tax, Trust and Technology Lawyers


We fix tax problems and resolve tax disputes. We prepare high-level tax documentation for complex structures and transactions as well as dealing with revenue authorities and other parties about those structures and transactions.

We draft and advise on novel and difficult trust deeds and equitable interests, and the boundaries and consequences of trust administration and transactions. We advise upon new technologies and have a deep and technical understanding of how they operate.  We have practical experience in automation, systems operation, artificial intelligence, conversation agents and cryptocurrencies. We provide advice and related documents to lawyers, accountants, and advisors, for their clients. We do not accept instructions directly from members of the public. Instead, we are engaged as specialists who are part of a broader team of advisors, in a role akin to Counsel.

We do not accept instructions that are outside the areas of tax, trust or technology. We only accept litigation instructions where a tax office is one of the parties.  With our rigid focus we are able to offer a high level of technical ability in our narrow field to compliment a client’s primary lawyers, accountants and advisors who are our instructors.

Our Team Members

Adrian Cartland

Principal Solicitor

Joseph Primerano

Senior Associate Solicitor

Llewellyn Wood

Senior Associate Solicitor

Weekly Tax Training

Cartland Law’s Tax Training is held each week from 9 am to 10 am on Friday mornings. We have been holding these Tax Training in some form for over ten years. Originally, they were held for the staff of Dr Campbell Rankine and open to interested parties. Dr Rankine still leads the majority of the sessions.

The format of the tax trainings is a discussion group and not a lecture. They are at an advanced level and intended to delve deep rather than wide.


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The Tax, Trusts and Technology Newsletter is a monthly publication with in-depth articles on novel subjects. It also highlights upcoming events and matters of interest. Subscribe if you would like to read fresh ideas and insights on Tax, Trusts and Technology. 


The Tax, Trusts and Technology Newsletter is a monthly publication with in-depth articles on novel subjects. It also highlights upcoming events and matters of interest. Subscribe if you would like to read fresh ideas and insights on Tax, Trusts and Technology. 

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At Cartland Law we write on novel and creative ideas relating to Tax, Trusts and Technology. We do not write general summaries of legistation, cases or ideas. Nor is this aimed at an intoductory or general level. These articles are (hopefully) interesting evergreen insights by specialists for the enjoyment of lawyers, accountants and other profesionals.

Contact us

0428 053 647

PO Box 6433, Halifax Street, SA 5000

Level 12, 431 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000
